Test request
Name | Value | Description |
BannerInfoListAnswer | xml | json | Answer from OTAPI. |
ErrorCode | enum | Error code |
ErrorDescription | String | Error description |
SubErrorCode | xml | json | Additional error code |
ErrorDescriptionTemplate | String | Template of error descriptions with placeholders for arguments. No value if error has no additional code. |
ErrorDescriptionArguments | xml | json | List of arguments for error description. No value if error has no additional code. |
RequestId | String | Request id, used to send statistics by StoreRequestGroup method. |
RequestTime | Double | Internal work time of request in milliseconds. |
RequestTimeStatistic | String | Debug information about execution of request in text representation. No value if debug output is disabled. |
HasTranslateErrors | boolean | Flag of errors in process of translating texts. If true, some of texts in response may not be translated. No value if there are no translation errors. |
Result | xml | json | Result. |
Content [ Item, ... ] | xml | json | List of data items |