Category: Content

Доступы к OTAPI:

IMAGES Method GetBanners

Test request

Argument Type Value
instanceKey String
Key for working with OTAPI
language String
language for requested data
signature String
Signature to identify the request. Used only if the key has a secret. See details in Signing OT API requests.
timestamp String
Timestamp for signature. Used only if the key has a secret. See details in Signing OT API requests.
applicationType String
Application type. Optional value, default is WebSite: Available values: WebSite, MobileApplication, MobileApplication/Android, MobileApplication/iOS. Please use most appropriate value if possible.


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BannerInfoListAnswer xml | json

Answer from OTAPI.


Error code

ErrorDescriptionStringError description
SubErrorCodexml | json

Additional error code

ErrorDescriptionTemplateStringTemplate of error descriptions with placeholders for arguments. No value if error has no additional code.
ErrorDescriptionArgumentsxml | json

List of arguments for error description. No value if error has no additional code.

RequestIdStringRequest id, used to send statistics by StoreRequestGroup method.
RequestTimeDoubleInternal work time of request in milliseconds.
RequestTimeStatisticStringDebug information about execution of request in text representation. No value if debug output is disabled.

Flag of errors in process of translating texts. If true, some of texts in response may not be translated. No value if there are no translation errors.

Resultxml | json


Content [ Item, ... ]xml | json

List of data items