Category: Item

Доступы к OTAPI:

IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Method BatchGetSimplifiedItemFullInfo

Test request

Argument Type Value
instanceKey String
Key for working with OTAPI
language String
language for requested data
signature String
Signature to identify the request. Used only if the key has a secret. See details in Signing OT API requests.
timestamp String
Timestamp for signature. Used only if the key has a secret. See details in Signing OT API requests.
sessionId String
Buyer session identifier. See details in Sessions in OT API.
itemParameters String (xml)
Parameters for item request:
itemId String
blockList String
List of additional blocks. Valid blocks: Vendor, RootPath, ProviderReviews, MostPopularVendorItems16, RecommendedItems, Description, OriginalDescription, ConfigurationDetails
