Method Description Group
AddItemToBasket IMAGES Add item to basket User collections
AddItemToNote IMAGES Adding a item to note User collections
AddVendorToFavorites Add a vendor to favorites User collections
BatchSimplifiedAddItemsToBasket IMAGES Bulk add items to cart User collections
ClearBasket Basket clearing User collections
ClearFavoriteVendors Clearing the list of favorite vendors User collections
ClearNote Note clearing User collections
EditBasketItemFields Editing additional item fields in basket User collections
EditBasketItemQuantity IMAGES Editing the quantity of item in the basket User collections
EditFavoriteVendorFields Editing additional vendor fields in favorites User collections
EditNoteItemFields Editing additional item fields in note User collections
EditNoteItemQuantity IMAGES Editing the quantity of item in note User collections
GetBasket IMAGES Retrieving basket contents User collections
GetBasketCheckingResult IMAGES Getting the result of checking the contents of the basket User collections
GetFavoriteVendors IMAGES Getting a list of favorite vendors User collections
GetNote IMAGES Retrieving note content User collections
GetPartialBasket IMAGES Retrieving partial basket contents User collections
MoveAllItemsFromBasketToNote Move all items from basket to note User collections
MoveAllItemsFromNoteToBasket Move all items from note to basket User collections
MoveItemFromBasketToNote Move item from basket to note User collections
MoveItemFromNoteToBasket Move item from note to basket User collections
MoveItemsFromBasketToNote Move a list of items from the basket to note User collections
MoveItemsFromNoteToBasket Move list of items from note to basket User collections
RemoveItemFromBasket Removing an item from the basket User collections
RemoveItemFromNote Removing an item from note User collections
RemoveItemsFromBasket Removing a list of items from the basket User collections
RemoveItemsFromNote Removing a list of items from note User collections
RemoveVendorFromFavorites Remove a vendor from favorites User collections
RemoveVendorsFromFavorites Remove a list of vendors from a favorites list by element id list or by vendor id list User collections
RunBasketChecking Start checking the contents of the cart User collections
SearchSimplifiedFavoriteVendors IMAGES User collections