Method | Description | Group |
BatchSearchRatingLists | Elements collection | |
GetBrandRatingList | Reception of a selection of brands | Elements collection |
GetCategoryRatingList | Reception of a selection of categories | Elements collection |
GetItemRatingList | Reception of a selection of the goods | Elements collection |
GetRatingCollectionsByContent | Reception of all подборок the set type of a content | Elements collection |
GetVendorRatingList | Reception of a selection of sellers | Elements collection |
SearchRatingListBrands | Поиск подборки брендов | Elements collection |
SearchRatingListCategories | Поиск подборки категорий | Elements collection |
SearchRatingListItems | Поиск подборки товаров | Elements collection |
SearchRatingListSearchStrings | Получение подборки поисковых строк | Elements collection |
SearchRatingListVendors | Поиск подборки продавцов | Elements collection |