Method | Description | Group |
AddInstanceUserToRole | Attach instance user to role | Operator - Rights |
AttachRightsToRole | Attach rights to a role | Operator - Rights |
CreateInstanceRole | Create user role | Operator - Rights |
CreateInstanceRoleFromTemplate | Create user role from template | Operator - Rights |
DeattachRightsFromRole | Detach rights from a role | Operator - Rights |
DeleteInstanceRole | Remove application role | Operator - Rights |
GetAvailableRoleList | Reception of the list of accessible roles of the user of the appendix for инстанса | Operator - Rights |
GetInstanceUserRoleList | Reception of the list of roles of the user of the appendix | Operator - Rights |
GetOperatorRightTree | To receive a tree of the rights on session of the operator | Operator - Rights |
GetRightTree | To receive a tree of the rights on a role | Operator - Rights |
GetTemplateRoleList | To receive the list of sample roles | Operator - Rights |
RemoveInstanceUserFromRole | Отсоеденить the user of the appendix from a role | Operator - Rights |
UpdateInstanceRole | To update the information on a role of the user | Operator - Rights |