Method Description Group
AddAnswerToItemReview Reviews
AddAnswerToItemReviewForOperator IMAGES Reviews - Administration
AddBlackListContents IMAGES Add elements to blacklist for statistics Statistics - Administration
AddBrandInfo IMAGES Adding a brand Brand - Administration
AddCategory IMAGES Adding a category Category - Administration
AddCategoryByLanguage IMAGES Adding a category by language Category - Administration
AddCategoryInfo IMAGES Add editable category information Category - Administration
AddCurrencyRate IMAGES Adding currency rates Currency - Administration
AddDiscountGroupToInstance IMAGES Adding a discount group Discounts - Administration
AddElementsSetToRatingList IMAGES Add collections of any items Elements collection - Administration
AddInstanceUserToRole IMAGES Attach instance user to role Operator - Rights
AddItemRatingList IMAGES Add items collections Elements collection - Administration
AddItemReview Add user's item review Reviews
AddItemToBasket IMAGES Add item to basket User collections
AddItemToNote IMAGES Adding a item to note User collections
AddOrder Order - User
AddPriceFormationGroup IMAGES Adding a pricing group Price formation - Administration
AddUser IMAGES Add user User - Administration
AddUserToDiscountGroup IMAGES Add user to discount group Discounts - Administration
AddVendorToFavorites Add a vendor to favorites User collections
ApproveItemReviews IMAGES Reviews - Administration
AttachRightsToRole IMAGES IMAGES Attach rights to a role Operator - Rights
Authenticate IMAGES Authenticate user User
AuthenticateAsUser IMAGES IMAGES Authenticate the operator as a user User - Administration
AuthenticateInstanceOperator IMAGES Operator authentication Operator
BatchGetItemFullInfo IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the full information on the items, simultaneously with additional blocks Item
BatchGetItemTotalCost IMAGES IMAGES Item
BatchGetSimplifiedItemConfigurationInfo IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Item
BatchGetSimplifiedItemFullInfo IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Item
BatchGetUserData IMAGES Getting general data on a user User
BatchSearchItemsFrame IMAGES IMAGES Global search of the goods, simultaneously with additional blocks Item
BatchSearchRatingLists IMAGES IMAGES Elements collection
BatchSimplifiedAddItemsToBasket IMAGES Bulk add items to cart User collections
CalculateRent IMAGES IMAGES Calculation of a rent for the period Instance keys information
CancelLineSalesOrder IMAGES Cancel order line Order - User
CancelLineSalesOrderForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Cancel order line by operator Orders - Administration
CancelLinesOrder IMAGES Order - User
CancelSalesOrder IMAGES Cancel the order Order - User
CancelSalesOrderForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Cancel order by operator Orders - Administration
ChangeEmail Change user's email address User
ChangeLineStatus IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES [Obsolete] Change order line status by operator. Alternative UpdateOrderLineForOperator Orders - Administration
ChangeOperatorPassword IMAGES Change operator password Operator
ChangePackageStatus IMAGES IMAGES Change parcel status Provider orders - Administration
ChangePassword Change user password User
ChangePhone Change user's phone User
ChangeSalesOrderLinePurchaseInfoForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Change of the data about the order Taobao in a line of the order Orders - Administration
CheckCurrencyRates IMAGES IMAGES Currency - Administration
ClearBasket Basket clearing User collections
ClearFavoriteVendors Clearing the list of favorite vendors User collections
ClearNote Note clearing User collections
ClearOrdersHistory IMAGES Clear order history Order - Other
CloseLineSalesOrder IMAGES Order - User
CloseLinesOrder IMAGES Order - User
CloseOrder IMAGES Close order by user Order - User
CloseSalesOrderForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Close order by operator Orders - Administration
ConfirmEmail Confirm your email address User
ConfirmExternalAuthentication Confirm external authentication with user's email and password User
ConfirmExternalAuthenticationWithToken Confirm external authentication with token User
ConfirmNewPassword User
ConfirmOrderPackaging IMAGES Confirm packing of items of the order Order - User
ConfirmPasswordRecovery Password recovery confirmation User
ConfirmPhone Confirm your phone number User
ConfirmPriceLineSalesOrder IMAGES Confirm price on order line Order - User
ConfirmPriceLinesOrder IMAGES Order - User
CopyCategory IMAGES Copying a category Category - Administration
CreateBalanceChargingBill IMAGES Create bill for balance charging Instance keys information
CreateBusinessDataExportingTemplate IMAGES IMAGES Create business data exporting template Business data exporting
CreateContentMenuItem IMAGES Content - Administration
CreateExternalDeliveryRate IMAGES IMAGES Creating an external delivery rate Delivery - administration
CreateExternalDeliveryType IMAGES IMAGES Creating an external delivery method Delivery - administration
CreateInstanceRole IMAGES Create user role Operator - Rights
CreateInstanceRoleFromTemplate IMAGES Create user role from template Operator - Rights
CreateInstanceUser IMAGES reate application user Operator
CreateOrder Create order Order - User
CreatePackage IMAGES [Obsolete] Create a new parcel (for the operator) Provider orders - Administration
CreatePackageForOperator IMAGES Create a new parcel (for the operator) Provider orders - Administration
CreateSalesOrder IMAGES IMAGES Create order (obsolete, use CreateOrder) Order - User
CreateUserProfile Creating a new user profile User
CreateUserProfileForOperator IMAGES Creation of a new user profile by the operator User - Administration
CreateWarehouseCategory IMAGES Create a category of items in stock Warehouse - Administration
CreateWarehouseItem IMAGES Create item in warehouse Warehouse - Administration
CreateWarehouseProperty IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
CreateWarehousePropertyValue IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
DeattachRightsFromRole IMAGES IMAGES Detach rights from a role Operator - Rights
DeleteAccount Delete user account User
DeleteBlackListContents IMAGES Statistics - Administration
DeleteBusinessDataExportingTemplate IMAGES IMAGES Delete business data exporting template Business data exporting
DeleteContentMenuItem IMAGES Content - Administration
DeleteInstanceRole IMAGES Remove application role Operator - Rights
DeleteInstanceUser IMAGES Delete application user Operator
DeleteItemReviews IMAGES Reviews - Administration
DeletePackage IMAGES Delete parcel Provider orders - Administration
DeleteUser IMAGES Delete user User - Administration
DeleteUserProfile Delete user profile User
DeleteUserProfileForOperator IMAGES Deleting user profile by operator User - Administration
DeleteWarehouseCategory IMAGES Delete a category of goods in warehouse Warehouse - Administration
DeleteWarehouseItem IMAGES Delete item in warehouse Warehouse - Administration
DeleteWarehouseProperty IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
DeleteWarehousePropertyValue IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
DoActionForBackgroundActivity Выполнить действие для фоновой активности Background activity
DoStepActionForBackgroundActivity Background activity
EditBasketItemFields Editing additional item fields in basket User collections
EditBasketItemQuantity IMAGES Editing the quantity of item in the basket User collections
EditBlackListContents IMAGES Edit blacklist for statistics Statistics - Administration
EditBrandInfo IMAGES Brand editing Brand - Administration
EditCategoriesVisible IMAGES Editing the visibility of categories Category - Administration
EditCategoryExternalId IMAGES Editing external category ID Category - Administration
EditCategoryInfo IMAGES Category editing Category - Administration
EditCategoryName IMAGES Editing a category name Category - Administration
EditCategoryNameByLanguage IMAGES Editing a category name for a language Category - Administration
EditCategoryParent IMAGES Editing a parent category Category - Administration
EditExternalDeliveryRate IMAGES IMAGES Editing the tariff for external delivery Delivery - administration
EditExternalDeliveryType IMAGES IMAGES Editing the external delivery method Delivery - administration
EditFavoriteVendorFields Editing additional vendor fields in favorites User collections
EditNoteItemFields Editing additional item fields in note User collections
EditNoteItemQuantity IMAGES Editing the quantity of item in note User collections
EditOrderOfCategory IMAGES Editing of an order of a category Category - Administration
EditPriceFormationGroup IMAGES Editing of group of pricing Price formation - Administration
EditPriceFormationSettings IMAGES Change of options of pricing инстанса Price formation - Administration
EditTranslateByKey IMAGES Editing of manual transfer on a context and the identifier Localization - Administration
EditUser IMAGES Updating of the information on the user User - Administration
ExportCatalog IMAGES IMAGES Export of a current package of the catalogue Category - Administration
ExportPackageToDeliveryServiceSystem IMAGES Unloading of the data about a parcel in delivery service system Provider orders - Administration
ExportSubCatalogTree IMAGES IMAGES Category - Administration
FindBaseUserInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a part of the list of users User - Administration
FindBrandInfoList IMAGES Search of brands in the name Brand
FindCategoryItemInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Search of the goods in a category and filters Item
FindCategoryItemSimpleInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Search of the goods in a category and filters, with delivery of the simplified information (without the name) Item
FindHintCategoryInfoList IMAGES Search categories by title part Category
GetAccountInfo IMAGES The information on the personal account Users account
GetAccountInfoForOperator IMAGES IMAGES The information on the personal account Users account - Administration
GetAdditionalItemInfo IMAGES IMAGES Get additional information about item Item - Administration
GetAdditionalVendorInfo IMAGES IMAGES Vendor - Administration
GetAllAreaList IMAGES IMAGES To receive the complete list of districts / administrative divisions of the Peoples Republic of China Other - Taobao
GetAnonymousSession IMAGES Get anonymous user session User
GetApplicationDesignSettings IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetApplicationUITranslations Content
GetArchiveBoxStatistics IMAGES IMAGES Get the archive Box's statistics (for the last 28 days) Instance keys information
GetAutoRatingListsSettings IMAGES IMAGES Elements collection - Administration
GetAvailableBusinessDataExportingTemplates IMAGES IMAGES Get available business data exporting templates Business data exporting
GetAvailableProviderSearchMethodInfoListForSearchParameters IMAGES Get information about search methods for specified search parameters Providers information
GetAvailableRoleList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible roles of the user of the appendix for инстанса Operator - Rights
GetBackgroundActivityInfo IMAGES Получить информацию о фоновой активности Background activity
GetBanners IMAGES Content
GetBannerSettings IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetBasket IMAGES Retrieving basket contents User collections
GetBasketCheckingResult IMAGES Getting the result of checking the contents of the basket User collections
GetBill IMAGES IMAGES Instance keys information
GetBillingBalanceHistory IMAGES Get history of billing balance Instance keys information
GetBlackListContentFrame IMAGES IMAGES To receive the black list for statistics. Statistics - Administration
GetBlackListContents IMAGES IMAGES To receive the black list for statistics. Statistics - Administration
GetBrandInfo IMAGES Reception of the information on a brand Brand
GetBrandInfoFullList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the complete list of brands, including the hidden Brand
GetBrandInfoList IMAGES Reception of the list of brands Brand
GetBrandInfoListFrame IMAGES Reception of the partial list of brands Brand
GetBrandRatingList IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a selection of brands Elements collection
GetBriefCatalog IMAGES IMAGES Get brief catalog of internal categories in full tree view Category
GetBulkItemsResult IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Get the result of bulk retrieving of items. As many calls as there are items received will be counted. Item
GetBulkSearchItemsResult IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Get result of bulk items search. As many calls as there are items received will be counted. Item
GetBusinessDataExportingResult IMAGES IMAGES Get business data exporting result Business data exporting
GetBusinessDataExportingTemplate IMAGES IMAGES Get business data exporting template Business data exporting
GetBusinessDataExportingTemplateInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get business data exporting template info list Business data exporting
GetCallArchives IMAGES Reception of contemporary records on number of calls Instance keys information
GetCallStatistics IMAGES Reception of statistics of calls under the appendix Instance keys information
GetCatalogLanguageInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Category - Administration
GetCategoriesOfPriceFormationGroup IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of the categories adhered to group of pricing Price formation - Administration
GetCategoryInfo IMAGES IMAGES Get category information Category
GetCategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get category information list Category
GetCategoryItemInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the partial list of the goods of a category Item
GetCategoryItemSimpleInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the simplified partial list of the goods of a category Item
GetCategoryRatingList IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a selection of categories Elements collection
GetCategoryRootPath IMAGES Get parent categories list (root path) Category
GetCategorySearchProperties IMAGES IMAGES Get property list to search items in category Category
GetCategorySubcategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get specified category subcategories list Category
GetCollectionsSettings IMAGES IMAGES User collections- Administration
GetCommonInstanceOptionsInfo IMAGES To receive the general options инстанса Settings
GetContentMenuItem IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetContentMenuItemTree IMAGES Content
GetContentTypes IMAGES IMAGES To receive admissible kinds of a content of statistics. Statistics - Administration
GetCountryInfoList IMAGES To receive the list of the accessible countries Other
GetCurrency IMAGES Reception of used currency of the appendix Currency
GetCurrencyInstanceList IMAGES Used currencies Currency
GetCurrencyList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible currencies. Currency - Administration
GetCurrencyRateHistory IMAGES IMAGES Currency - Administration
GetCurrencySynchronizationModeList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible ways of synchronisation of currencies. Currency - Administration
GetCurrentBoxStatistics IMAGES IMAGES Get the current Box's statistics (for the last 10 minutes) Instance keys information
GetDeliveryCountryInfoList IMAGES Reception of the list of the countries in which delivery is possible Delivery
GetDeliveryModesByBasket IMAGES Delivery
GetDeliveryModesByServiceSystem IMAGES Delivery
GetDeliveryModesWithPrice IMAGES Reception of ways of delivery Delivery
GetDeliveryServiceSystemInfoList IMAGES Reception of the list with the data about systems of delivery services Delivery
GetDeliveryServiceSystemSettings IMAGES IMAGES Delivery - administration
GetDirectPaymentSettings IMAGES IMAGES Direct payments - Administration
GetDiscountGroup IMAGES Reception of group of discounts for the current user User
GetDiscountGroupList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible groups of discounts Discounts - Administration
GetDiscountGroups IMAGES User
GetEditableCategorySubcategories IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of a category for админки Category - Administration
GetEmailServerInfo IMAGES IMAGES Messages
GetEmailServerInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Messages
GetEnabledFeatures IMAGES Reception of the list of the included possibilities of the appendix Instance keys information
GetErrorDescription IMAGES Other
GetExternalAuthenticationInfo IMAGES Get info to start external authentication User
GetExternalAuthenticationSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get external authentication settings
GetExternalAuthenticationSystemInfoList IMAGES Get list of external authentication systems for user User
GetExternalDeliveryRate IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the tariff of external delivery Delivery - administration
GetExternalDeliveryRateList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of tariffs of external delivery Delivery - administration
GetExternalDeliveryType IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a way of external delivery Delivery - administration
GetExternalDeliveryTypeList IMAGES IMAGES Reception cписок ways of external delivery Delivery - administration
GetFavoriteVendors IMAGES Getting a list of favorite vendors User collections
GetFileInfo IMAGES File storage
GetFileUploadUrl File storage
GetFinancialCalculation IMAGES IMAGES Reports
GetFinancialReport IMAGES IMAGES Reports
GetGeolocationSettings IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetGlobalBrandInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the global list of brands Brand - Administration
GetGlobalCallStatistics IMAGES Reception of global statistics of calls Instance keys information
GetInstanceCurrenciesSettings IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of currency of the appendix. Currency - Administration
GetInstanceCurrencyInfoList IMAGES Reception of currencies of the appendix displayed on a show-window. Currency
GetInstanceCurrencyRateList IMAGES Current rates of currencies Currency
GetInstanceOptionsInfo IMAGES IMAGES To receive options инстанса Settings
GetInstanceUserList IMAGES To receive the list of users of the appendix Operator
GetInstanceUserRoleList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of roles of the user of the appendix Operator - Rights
GetItemDescription IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the description of the goods Item
GetItemFullInfo IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Get full information about item Item
GetItemFullInfoWithDeliveryCosts IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the full information on the goods together with the information on delivery Item
GetItemFullInfoWithPromotions IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the full information on the goods together with the information on promotion actions Item
GetItemInfo IMAGES IMAGES Get information about item Item
GetItemInfoList IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Get information about list of items. As many calls as there are items received will be counted. Item
GetItemOriginalDescription IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the original description of the goods, without transfer Item
GetItemPrice IMAGES IMAGES Calculation of the price of the goods on the basis of appendix mechanism TSO Item
GetItemPromotions IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of discounts for the goods Item
GetItemPromotionsWithAttempts IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of discounts for the goods on attempts Item
GetItemRatingList IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a selection of the goods Elements collection
GetItemReview IMAGES Get user's item review by identifier Reviews
GetItemReviewSettings IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetItemRootPath IMAGES Get item's parent categories list (root path) Category
GetItemShowcaseSettings IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetItemTotalCost IMAGES IMAGES Calculation of a total cost of the set quantity of the goods on the basis of appendix mechanism TSO Item
GetLanguageInfoList IMAGES To receive the list of accessible languages Other
GetLineAvailableStatusList IMAGES IMAGES To receive accessible statuses of a line of the order Orders - Administration
GetMessageEventList IMAGES IMAGES Get message events Messages
GetMessageSettings IMAGES IMAGES Gets messenger settings Messages
GetMessageTemplate IMAGES IMAGES Get message template Messages
GetMetaDemoObject IMAGES Other
GetMetaEntities IMAGES Other
GetNote IMAGES Retrieving note content User collections
GetOperationTypes IMAGES IMAGES List reception логируемых operations Changes logging
GetOperatorRightTree IMAGES IMAGES To receive a tree of the rights on session of the operator Operator - Rights
GetOrderLineStatusList IMAGES IMAGES To receive the list of statuses of lines of the order Orders - Administration
GetOrderSettings IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetOrderSettingsInfo IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of the order Settings
GetOrdersHistory IMAGES Reception of history of the order Order - Other
GetOrderStatusList IMAGES IMAGES To receive order statuses Orders - Administration
GetOrderUserAccountInfoForOperator IMAGES IMAGES The information on the personal account of the user to which posesses the order Users account - Administration
GetOrderUserInfoForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the information on the user of the order User - Administration
GetOrderUserStatementForOperator IMAGES IMAGES The list of operations under the personal account of the user to which posesses the order, for the period Users account - Administration
GetOtapiCallStatistic IMAGES Reception of statistics of references to Otapi Instance keys information
GetPackage IMAGES IMAGES To obtain the data on a parcel Provider orders - Administration
GetPackageAvailableStatusList IMAGES IMAGES To receive the list of accessible statuses of a parcel Provider orders - Administration
GetPackageTracking IMAGES Order - User
GetPackageTrackingForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Provider orders - Administration
GetPartialBasket IMAGES Retrieving partial basket contents User collections
GetPaymentModes IMAGES Reception of methods of payment Payment
GetPaymentParameters IMAGES To receive the form for payment creation Payment
GetPaymentSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get payment system settings
GetPriceFormationGroup IMAGES IMAGES Reception of group of pricing Price formation - Administration
GetPriceFormationGroupList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible groups of pricing Price formation - Administration
GetPriceFormationSettings IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of pricing инстанса. Price formation - Administration
GetPriceFormationStrategyList IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of accessible strategy of pricing Price formation - Administration
GetProviderAllAreaList IMAGES IMAGES Get full list of areas (regions) from provider in tree form Providers information
GetProviderBriefCatalog IMAGES IMAGES Get full tree of provider's external categories Category
GetProviderCategory IMAGES IMAGES Get external category information Category
GetProviderCategoryRootPath IMAGES Get parent categories list (root path) for external category Category
GetProviderCategorySubcategories IMAGES IMAGES Get external category list of subcategories.
Cause there is no method to get list of root categories, use current method with RootCategoryId value from provider information (GetProviderInfo)
GetProviderCommonSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get provider common settings Settings
GetProviderInfo IMAGES Get information about provider Providers information
GetProviderInfoList IMAGES Reception of the information on the provider Providers information
GetProviderOrderInfo IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Get provider's order information Provider orders integration
GetProviderOrdersIntegrationSessionAuthenticationInfo IMAGES IMAGES Get information for new provider's session request Provider orders integration
GetProviderOrdersIntegrationSessionInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get provider's session list Provider orders integration
GetProviderOrdersIntegrationSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get provider's orders integration settings (with settings meta-information) Provider orders integration
GetProviderSearchMethod IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetProviderSearchMethodInfoList IMAGES Reception of the information on accessible ways of search Providers information
GetProviderSearchMethods IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetProviderSearchMethodSettings IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetProviderSettings IMAGES IMAGES Settings
GetRatingCollectionsByContent IMAGES IMAGES Reception of all подборок the set type of a content Elements collection
GetRatingListsByElement IMAGES IMAGES Elements collection - Administration
GetRatingListSettings IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetRightTree IMAGES IMAGES To receive a tree of the rights on a role Operator - Rights
GetRootAreaList IMAGES IMAGES To receive the list of root districts / administrative divisions of the Peoples Republic of China Other - Taobao
GetRootCategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get root categories list Category
GetSalesOrderDetails IMAGES Get order details Order - User
GetSalesOrderDetailsForOperator IMAGES IMAGES The detailed information on the order Orders - Administration
GetSalesOrderShippings IMAGES Get the list of parcels (tracking numbers) by request Order - User
GetSalesOrdersList IMAGES IMAGES Get orders list (obsolete, use SearchOrdersForUser) Order - User
GetSalesOrdersListForOperator IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES [Obsolete] the List of orders for the operator of a site. Returns last 100 orders Orders - Administration
GetSalesPackageList IMAGES IMAGES To obtain the list of parcels to order Provider orders - Administration
GetSalesPaymentInfo IMAGES IMAGES Inquiry of the information for reservation of money Orders - Administration
GetSalesProcessLog IMAGES IMAGES To receive history of processing of the order Orders - Administration
GetSearchCategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get search categories list for selection Category
GetSelectorExportingSettings IMAGES IMAGES Export of rating lists
GetSelectorExportingTargets IMAGES IMAGES Export of rating lists
GetShowcase IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of a feature the Show-window Settings
GetSmsServiceSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get sms service settings Messages
GetSocialNetworkSettings IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
GetStatement IMAGES Extract formation under the account Users account
GetStatementForOperator IMAGES IMAGES The list of operations under the personal account for the period Users account - Administration
GetStatisticsSettings IMAGES Installation of options of statistics Statistics - Administration
GetSubAreaList IMAGES To receive the list of districts / administrative divisions of the Peoples Republic of China on the parent Other - Taobao
GetTariffChangeHistory IMAGES IMAGES Get history of tariff changes Instance keys information
GetTemplateRoleList IMAGES To receive the list of sample roles Operator - Rights
GetThreeLevelRootCategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get root categories three levels list Category
GetTicketCatogories IMAGES To receive the list of categories for the reference Other
GetTicketInfoList IMAGES To get the list of references of clients in support Other
GetTradeRateInfoListFrame IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the partial list of responses (comments) on the goods Item
GetTranslatableContentList IMAGES Localization - Administration
GetTranslationSettings IMAGES IMAGES Localization - Administration
GetTwoLevelRootCategoryInfoList IMAGES IMAGES Get root categories two levels list Category
GetUserDiscountGroupForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Reception of current group of discounts of the buyer by the operator Discounts - Administration
GetUserDiscountGroupsForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Discounts - Administration
GetUserInfo IMAGES Reception of the information on the user User
GetUserInfoForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the information on the user User - Administration
GetUserPreferences IMAGES User
GetUserProfileInfoList IMAGES Reception of the list of profiles of the user User
GetUserProfileInfoListForOperator IMAGES Reception of the list of profiles of the user User - Administration
GetUserProfileSettings IMAGES IMAGES User - Administration
GetUserSettings IMAGES IMAGES Get user settings User - Administration
GetUsersOfDiscountGroup IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the list of users of group of discounts Discounts - Administration
GetUserStatusInfo IMAGES Reception of the information on the status of the user User
GetVendorInfo IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the information on the supplier Vendor
GetVendorItemInfoSortedListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the partial list of the goods of the supplier Item
GetVendorItemSimpleInfoSortedListFrame IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the partial list of the goods of the supplier with delivery of the simplified information (without the name) Item
GetVendorRatingList IMAGES IMAGES IMAGES Reception of a selection of sellers Elements collection
GetWaitingDirectPayments IMAGES IMAGES Direct payments - Administration
GetWarehouseCategoryInfo IMAGES IMAGES To receive the information on a category of the goods in a warehouse Warehouse - Administration
GetWarehouseItemInfo IMAGES IMAGES To receive the information on the goods in a warehouse Warehouse - Administration
GetWarehouseProperties IMAGES IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
GetWarehousePropertyValueInfo IMAGES IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
GetWarehousePropertyValues IMAGES IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
GetWebUISettings IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of feature WebUI Settings
GetYandexMarketDataUrl IMAGES Yandex Market integration
GetYandexMarketIntegrationSettings IMAGES Yandex Market integration
GradeItemReview Reviews
HideDeletedCategoriesWithoutChildren IMAGES Concealment removed with таобао categories without children Category - Administration
ImportCatalog IMAGES Import of in advance prepared package of the catalogue Category - Administration
ImportExternalItemReviews IMAGES Reviews - Administration
ImportSubCatalogTree IMAGES Category - Administration
InsertElementsSetToRatingList IMAGES Elements collection - Administration
MergeOrders IMAGES IMAGES Association of orders Orders - Administration
MoveAllItemsFromBasketToNote Move all items from basket to note User collections
MoveAllItemsFromNoteToBasket Move all items from note to basket User collections
MoveCategories IMAGES Category - Administration
MoveItemFromBasketToNote Move item from basket to note User collections
MoveItemFromNoteToBasket Move item from note to basket User collections
MoveItemsFromBasketToNote Move a list of items from the basket to note User collections
MoveItemsFromNoteToBasket Move list of items from note to basket User collections
PaymentPersonalAccount IMAGES To pay the order from the personal account Users account
PostTransaction IMAGES IMAGES To perform operation under the personal account in internal currency of calculations Users account - Administration
PrintPackageReceipt IMAGES IMAGES Unloading of the data about a parcel in delivery service system Provider orders - Administration
RecreateOrder Create reorder Order - User
RecreateSalesOrder IMAGES IMAGES Reorder (obsolete, use RecreateOrder) Order - User
RegisterUser Registration of the buyer User
RemoveAllElementsRatingList IMAGES Removal of a selection of any elements Elements collection - Administration
RemoveBrandInfo IMAGES Brand removal Brand - Administration
RemoveCategory IMAGES Category removal together with all subcategories (only internal) Category - Administration
RemoveCategoryFromPriceFormationGroup IMAGES Removal of a sheaf of a category and pricing group Price formation - Administration
RemoveCurrencyRate IMAGES Exchange rate removal. Currency - Administration
RemoveDiscountGroupFromInstance IMAGES Removal of group of discounts Discounts - Administration
RemoveElementsSetRatingList IMAGES Removal of elements of a selection of any elements Elements collection - Administration
RemoveExternalDeliveryRate IMAGES IMAGES Removal of the tariff of external delivery Delivery - administration
RemoveExternalDeliveryType IMAGES IMAGES Removal of a way of external delivery Delivery - administration
RemoveInstanceUserFromRole IMAGES Отсоеденить the user of the appendix from a role Operator - Rights
RemoveItemFromBasket Removing an item from the basket User collections
RemoveItemFromNote Removing an item from note User collections
RemoveItemRatingList IMAGES Removal of elements of a selection of the goods Elements collection - Administration
RemoveItemsFromBasket Removing a list of items from the basket User collections
RemoveItemsFromNote Removing a list of items from note User collections
RemovePriceFormationGroup IMAGES Removal of group of pricing Price formation - Administration
RemoveUserFromDiscountGroup IMAGES Отсоедениеть the user from group of discounts Discounts - Administration
RemoveVendorFromFavorites Remove a vendor from favorites User collections
RemoveVendorsFromFavorites Remove a list of vendors from a favorites list by element id list or by vendor id list User collections
RequestPasswordRecovery Inquiry of restoration of the password User
ResendConfirmationCode Resend confirmation code User
ResetInstanceCaches IMAGES Dump of a cache of the data of the appendix Other
RestoreLineSalesOrderForOperator IMAGES IMAGES To restore a line of the order Orders - Administration
RewardItemReview IMAGES Reviews - Administration
RunAutoRatingListsUpdating IMAGES Elements collection - Administration
RunBasketChecking Start checking the contents of the cart User collections
RunBulkItems IMAGES IMAGES Run of bulk retrieving of items by identifiers Item
RunBulkSearchItems IMAGES IMAGES Run of bulk item search by parameters Item
RunBusinessDataExporting IMAGES IMAGES Run business data export Business data exporting
RunExportedPackagesConfirming IMAGES Provider orders - Administration
RunOrderExportingToProvider IMAGES Run order exporting to provider Provider orders integration
RunOrderLinkingWithProvider IMAGES Run order linking with current provider orders Provider orders integration
RunOrdersSynchronizingWithProvider IMAGES Run orders synchronization with provider Provider orders integration
RunOrderUnlinkingFromProvider IMAGES Run order unlinking from provider Provider orders integration
RunSelectorExporting IMAGES IMAGES Export of rating lists
RunTest IMAGES Запустить тестовую фоновую активность Background activity
RunWarehouseImportItems IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
SalesPaymentReserve IMAGES IMAGES Резервирвание money under the order Orders - Administration
SearchBackgroundActivities IMAGES Найти фоновые активности Background activity
SearchBills IMAGES IMAGES To receive the list of accounts Instance keys information
SearchCities IMAGES Other
SearchContentMenuItems IMAGES IMAGES Content - Administration
SearchDeletedCategoriesIds IMAGES IMAGES Search removed таобао categories Category - Administration
SearchDeliveryModes IMAGES Поиск способов доставки Delivery
SearchDeliveryPickupPoints IMAGES Delivery
SearchDirectPayments IMAGES IMAGES Search payments from the module "Direct payments" Direct payments - Administration
SearchInstanceUserLogEntries IMAGES IMAGES Search of records about actions of users инстанса. Changes logging
SearchItemReviews IMAGES Reviews
SearchItemReviewsForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Reviews - Administration
SearchItemsFrame IMAGES IMAGES Global search of the goods Item
SearchOrderLines IMAGES IMAGES Search of lines of orders Orders - Administration
SearchOrders IMAGES IMAGES Search of orders Orders - Administration
SearchOrdersForUser Search orders for user Order - User
SearchOrdersWithDetailsForUser Search orders with details for user Order - User
SearchOriginalBrandsFrame IMAGES IMAGES Reception of the partial list of original brands (from the provider of the goods) Other - Taobao
SearchPackages IMAGES IMAGES Search of parcels Provider orders - Administration
SearchRatingListBrands IMAGES IMAGES Поиск подборки брендов Elements collection
SearchRatingListCategories IMAGES IMAGES Поиск подборки категорий Elements collection
SearchRatingListItems IMAGES IMAGES Поиск подборки товаров Elements collection
SearchRatingLists IMAGES IMAGES Поиск подборок Elements collection - Administration
SearchRatingListSearchStrings IMAGES IMAGES Получение подборки поисковых строк Elements collection
SearchRatingListVendors IMAGES IMAGES Поиск подборки продавцов Elements collection
SearchReviewedItems IMAGES IMAGES Reviews
SearchSimplifiedFavoriteVendors IMAGES User collections
SearchTransactions IMAGES IMAGES Users account - Administration
SearchTranslations IMAGES Localization - Administration
SearchUserPayments IMAGES Search user payments Payment
SearchUsersOfDiscountGroup IMAGES IMAGES Discounts - Administration
SearchWarehouseCategories IMAGES IMAGES To find the list of categories of the goods in a warehouse on certain conditions Warehouse - Administration
SearchWarehouseItems IMAGES IMAGES To find the list of the goods in a warehouse on certain conditions Warehouse - Administration
SetDefaultPriceFormationGroup IMAGES Installation of group of pricing by default Price formation - Administration
SetDirectPaymentStatus IMAGES Direct payments - Administration
SetPriceFormationGroupToCategory IMAGES Attachment of group of pricing to a category from the catalogue of the user Price formation - Administration
SetShowcaseSettings IMAGES Change of options of a feature the Show-window Settings
SetUserBan IMAGES Blocking of the account of the user User - Administration
SetUserPushNotificationToken IMAGES Set push-notification token for user User
SetWebUISettings IMAGES Change of options of feature WebUI Settings
SplitOrderLineForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Division of lines of the order by the operator Orders - Administration
StoreRequestGroup IMAGES Other
TestEmailServer IMAGES IMAGES Messages
TestMessageTemplate IMAGES Test message template Messages
TestSmsService IMAGES IMAGES Check sms service settings by send test message Messages
UpdateAdditionalItemInfo IMAGES Update additional information about item Item - Administration
UpdateAdditionalVendorInfo IMAGES Vendor - Administration
UpdateApplicationDesignSettings IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateAutoRatingListsSettings IMAGES Elements collection - Administration
UpdateBannerSettings IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateBoxStatistics IMAGES Other
UpdateBusinessDataExportingTemplate IMAGES IMAGES Update business data exporting template Business data exporting
UpdateCollectionsSettings IMAGES User collections- Administration
UpdateContentMenuItem IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateDeliveryServiceSystemSettings IMAGES Delivery - administration
UpdateDirectPaymentSettings IMAGES Direct payments - Administration
UpdateDiscountGroup IMAGES Removal of group of discounts Discounts - Administration
UpdateEmailServerInfo IMAGES Messages
UpdateExternalAuthenticationSettings IMAGES Update external authentication settings
UpdateFinancialCalculationData IMAGES Reports
UpdateGeolocationSettings IMAGES Settings
UpdateInstanceCurrenciesSettings IMAGES Editing of options of currency of the appendix. Currency - Administration
UpdateInstanceOptions IMAGES To update options инстанса Settings
UpdateInstanceRole IMAGES To update the information on a role of the user Operator - Rights
UpdateInstanceUser IMAGES To update the information on the user of the appendix Operator
UpdateItemRatingCategoryId IMAGES Oбновление the category identifier in подбороке Elements collection - Administration
UpdateItemReviewSettings IMAGES Settings
UpdateItemShowcaseSettings IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateMessageSettings IMAGES Updates messenger settings Messages
UpdateMessageTemplate IMAGES Update message template Messages
UpdateMetaDemoObject IMAGES Other
UpdateOrderForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Updating of the data of the order by the operator Orders - Administration
UpdateOrderLineForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Updating of the data of a line of the order by the operator Orders - Administration
UpdateOrderLinesForOperator IMAGES IMAGES Updating of the given several lines of the order by the operator Orders - Administration
UpdateOrderSettings IMAGES Updating of options of the order Settings
UpdatePackage IMAGES To change the data on a parcel Provider orders - Administration
UpdatePaymentSettings IMAGES Update payment system settings
UpdateProviderCommonSettings IMAGES Update provider common settings Settings
UpdateProviderOrdersIntegrationSettings IMAGES Update provider order's integration settings Provider orders integration
UpdateProviderSearchMethod IMAGES Settings
UpdateProviderSearchMethodSettings IMAGES Settings
UpdateProviderSettings IMAGES Settings
UpdateRatingListSettings IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateSelectorExportingSettings IMAGES Export of rating lists
UpdateSmsServiceSettings IMAGES Update sms service settings Messages
UpdateSocialNetworkSettings IMAGES Content - Administration
UpdateStatisticsSettings IMAGES IMAGES Reception of options of statistics. Statistics - Administration
UpdateTranslation IMAGES Localization - Administration
UpdateTranslationSettings IMAGES Localization - Administration
UpdateUser Updating of the information on the user User
UpdateUserPreferences User
UpdateUserProfile Updating of a profile of the user User
UpdateUserProfileForOperator IMAGES Updating of a profile of the user User - Administration
UpdateUserProfileSettings IMAGES User - Administration
UpdateUserSettings IMAGES Update user settings User - Administration
UpdateWarehouseCategory IMAGES To update a category of the goods in a warehouse Warehouse - Administration
UpdateWarehouseItem IMAGES To update the goods in a warehouse Warehouse - Administration
UpdateWarehouseProperty IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
UpdateWarehousePropertyValue IMAGES Warehouse - Administration
UpdateYandexMarketIntegrationSettings IMAGES Yandex Market integration
ValidateUserProfile Validate user profile User